Miss Crush Arianna, the Crush out of the EX-95 Aria Red

Miss Apple Aria Red EX-95 at the WDE 2019

Miss Crush Arianna RC 2y VG-85 is a great milk cow, A2A2 and the only Maverick Crush daughter out of Miss Apple Aria Red EX-95, the daughter of KHW Regiment Apple Red EX-96 .

Crush Arianna her productions:
2.09 328d 12.600kg 3.9% 495f 3.4% 428p
3.10 364d 20.768kg 4.5% 932f 3.2% 665p

Crush Arianna her dam Aria Red was:
* Reserve All American Aged Cow 2019
* 1st Aged Cow World Dairy Expo 2019
* Reserve All-American R&W Aged Cow 2019
* Nominated All-American R&W 5yr Old 2018
* Grand Champion Western Fall National 2018
* 1st 5yr Old Western Spring & Fall National 2018
* HM Senior Champion Western Spring & Fall National 2018

Out of Arianna RC are FEMbryos available at embryosale.com

Take advantage and benefit from the quality!
Click here for the latest embryo addition

Imagine the Apple Red possibilities


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