The high producing Mitzi EX-90 family


Hendel Durham Mitzi EX-90 is a tremendous producing Durham with many graduated sons in AI. Also her daughter Hendel Shottle Mica EX-90 and granddaughter Fly-Higher Bolton Misha VG-88 are popular bulldams and have several sons in AI, including proven sires Pioneer (s. Planet) and Ianto (s. AltaIota), both at Masterrind in Germany.

ALH Melody, a great Rockymountain Lottomax granddaughter of Misha, is one of the highest Lottomax daughters in Europe and has 6 (maternal) brothers in AI. Invest in the King Royal FEMbryos out of Melody, you will bring the high producing Mitzi EX-90 familie into your barn!

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