Exclusive Delta FEMbryos


Mr Mogul Delta is with 2849 TPI leading by far the proven sire list internationally. The Mogul son from the Windsor-Manor Rudolph Zip EX-95 family combines, with over 500 milking daughters, high milk production and extreme faborable scores for the management traits.

On Embryosale Delta FEMbryos ar selling now out of Midas Touch Cheeze, a very fancy OH-River-Syc Byway daughter from the Regancrest Durham Barbie EX-92 family. Cheeze her dam is Regancrest Goldwyn Chanel EX-92, the 7th generation Excellent in a row and maternal sister of Regancrest S Chassity EX-92 and Celebrity EX-94.

Exclusive FEMbryos: Delta semen is not available in Europe. Don’t miss!


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