Frazzled FEMbryos from Supershot Ida


Sterk Kiss Sshot Ida is an early Supershot daughter with 2565 gTPI from the renown Veneriete Ida family, that ranked already high in the index lists even before the genomic era. Veneriete Shottle Ida 6 VG-88, former top 20 gTPI cow in Europe, has 10 sons in AI, including Goupix RC (s. Destry RC), Van Campen (s. Niagra), Deluxe P RC (s. Mitey P-RC) and Boston (s. Stylist). High genomic young sires from the Ida family are Veneriete Ibiza (Sundance x Bookem x Ida 6) and Board (Boss x Epic x Ida 6), with 153 gRZG the number 1 Boss son in Germany.

Frazzled FEMbryos out of Supershot Ida combine high production potential with very favorable fitness traits. Place your bid now!


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