Siemers Hulu RC out of Milksource Attica Red EX-92

Milksource Attica Red

Milksource Attica Red EX-92 is classified with the maximum score: EX-92! She was the All American R&W Summer Jr 2yr Old 2020,  Intermediate Champion & HM Grand Champion Wisconsin Summer Red & White Championship Show 2020 and the Grand Champion Wisconsin District 7 Holstein Show 2020.
Attica is the Red maternal sister to Milksource Byway Affection EX-94: the dam of Mr Affection Analyst Red.

Attica Red her daughter sold in Quest for Success sale 2023 for $ 43.000 and a another daughter of Attica, Milksource Audi, was the 1st Jr 2yr Old Championship Show 2023!

Siemers Wolf Hulu RC FEMbryos out of Attica Red, now for you available at


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