Lambda FEMbryos out of Siemers Denver Paris !

Siemers Lambda Paris 275856 EX-91

Siemers Lambda Paris 275856 EX-91, EX MS is the number 1 GTPI Lambda and one of most exciting cows worldwide. She is the dam of one of the most interesting young Holstein bulls of this moment; Siemers Ren Parfect GTPI 3072 with PTAT +2.48!

Siemers Denver Paris, the dam of Siemers Lambda Paris 275856 EX-91 is flushed again with Farnear Lambda. Hereby the opportunity to get full sisters of Siemers Lambda Paris 275856 EX-91 into your barn.
FEMbryos out of Paris are now for you available at EMBRYOSALE.COM

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