Polled, Red, A2A2 and out of Summer EX-95!
Stjor Latenite Salt Lake RC P
Walnutlawn Mccutchen Summer EX-95 is the dam of Walnutlawn Sidekick, Avant Garde Select and Avant Garde Summerfest.
Summer is the maternal sister of Walnutlawn Solomon and she was the 1st Aged cow Summer Show 2020.
Out of Summer her great Latenite Red daughter, Stjor Latenite Salt Lake RC P are now Siemers Wolf Hulu RC FEMbryos selling at EMBRYOSALE.COM
Conformation and productie with Polled, Red and A2A2 in one package.
Leaders LEAD, Winners WIN! “Bid Fast and Bid Last!”
Genetics Created with Passion!