Duckett Parfect Harper 2y VG-86
Duckett Parfect Harper, the Parfect out of 8784!!
S-S-I Doc Have Not 8784, classified in her fourth lactation with EX-96, EX-97 udder, one of the best Woodcrest King Doc daughters worldwide, sold in the Duckett Summer Selections Sale 2022 for a record amount of $ 1.925.000 (= Euro 1.840.000)!
Duckett Parfect Harper, as milking 2yr old classified VG-86, is the Siemers Rengd Parfect daughter out of S-S-I Doc Have Not 8784!
FEMbryos out of Harper are now available for you via EMBRYOSALE.COM
Production, conformation, index and cow family in 1 package!
Top quality is in little things.
“It’s the little things that make big things possible”