Supersire FEMbryos out of 11 generations VG or EX!


The Whittier-Farms Lead Mae EX-95 family has delivered numerous proven bulls, including Morningview Levi, Legend & Marcelon, Wabash-Way Explode and Genervations Epic. Also high genomic young sires as Kingboy, Enforcer, Extreme, Elude and Wickham are descending from this very successful cow family.

Vendairy Willie 12 VG-85 is a fancy, high producing Snowman daughter of Vendairy Willie 3 VG-87, the full sister of the proven bull Vendairy Wonder. Out of Willie 12, the 11th generation VG or EX in a row, Seagull-Bay Supersire FEMbryos are available now. Did you miss Snowman? Here is your opportunity to get a top genomic heifer out of a great Snowman daughter from the proven Lead Mae EX-95 family!

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