+2395 Milk, 3241 GTPI, 1180 Net Merit, Larcrest Cosmopolitan …

Regan Danhof Delux Clare 2y VG-87

Her name is Regan Danhof Delux Clare, a beautiful milking 2 year old who has everything in her. Clare is the number 3 GTPI Deluxe daughter with multiple sons in AI.
Clare calved at 2.04 and is projected 305d at 13.054kg 4.8% 627f 3.8% 496p. She has a genomic index of +2395Milk +132Pounds Fat +0.14% Fat +85Pounds Protein GTPI 3241 and Net Merit 1180! Clare her great granddam is Regan Danhof Jedi Cashmere 2y VG-88 and goes back to the famous Larcrest Crimson EX-94 and Global Cow of The Year 2016!

And from Regan Danhof Delux Clare herself, FEMbryos are available to you via EMBRYOSALE.COM

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