Amazon-Red, full sister of Apple Snapple-Red EX-94


Apple-PTS Amazon-Red, a fancy Lookout P Redburst-Red daughter straight from KHW Regiment Apple-Red EX-96, is a maternal sister of Big Apple-Red, Absolute-Red and Armani RC and also of Ms Delicious Apple-Red EX-94 (the dam of Mr Apple Diamondback RC) and Ms Candy Apple-Red EX-94, the Reserve Grand Champion R&W Royal Winter Fair 2013. Miss Apple Snapple-Red EX-94, the Reserve Champion Red Holsteins World Dairy Expo 2017, is even a full sister of Amazon-Red!

Invest now in Scientific Defiant RC FEMbryos out of Amazon-Red, these will bring great red show heifers from the Apple-Red EX-96 family in your barn!

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