Exactly embryos out of high Yoder


Peak Exotic Yoder 8637 is a daughter of Woodcrest Mogul Yoder, the actual number 2 TPI proven sires globally. Yoder 8637 her dam is Miller-FF Ssire Exotic VG-86, the very successful Supersire daughter with over 10 sons in AI. Exotic is the 5th generation bull dam in a row, her dam Nova Shottle Evelyn VG-87 is the granddam of the Italian top sire Go-Farm Seventyfive. Also UFM-Dubs Eroy VG-87 herself has more than 12 sons in AI and 22 daughters scored VG or Excellent.

With 2648 gTPI Yoder 8637 is one of the highest Yoder daughters in Europe. Yoder semen has never been available in Europe, so Yoder daughters are very exclusive. Exactly (Halogen x Mixer) embryos out of Yoder 8637 offer you great opportunities. Don’t hesitate, place your bid now!

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