First out of Jedi Sage = PA 2820 gTPI


Tramilda Jedi Sage is a 2801 gTPI Jedi granddaughter of Ladys-Manor Mg Suzanne VG-88, the 10th generation VG or EX in a row. Her dam, Ladys-Manor Ruby D Shawn EX-90, is a phenomenal brood cow: from Shawn her 23 genomically tested sons 17 have entered A.I centers. Her most prominent son is the former number 1 gTPI Ladys-Manor Pl Shamrock. Also popular sires as Ladys-Manor Doorsopen, Olympian RC and Octoberfest are from the successful Ladys-Manor Ruby D cow family.

Melarry Modesty First x Sage embryos have a PA of 2820 gTPI. Bid now to be sure you don’t miss your next genomic topper!


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