Junior Champion Iowa State Show: Caught By Surprise

Caught By Surprise at the Iowa State show 2023

Ms GS Caught By Surprise was the winning Spring Yearling and Junior Champion of the 2023 Iowa State Show.
Caught By Surprise is a Siemers Handshake daughter of Caught Your Eye!

Caught Your Eye has already proven her abilities in the show ring, but what we had high hopes for was her ability to transfer this presence in the show ring to her daughters.
Last week there are two daughters of Caught Your Eye Junior Champion, one in Canada and Surprise in the USA, an achievement!

Out of MS GS Caught By Surprise and from her beautiful sisters, FEMbryos are available to you via EMBRYOSALE.COM

Selected and created with passion!
Click here for Suprise her FEMbryos

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“It’s the little things that make big things possible”

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