These FEMbryos are unstoppable!
Ms Apples Uno Amazing RC VG-88 is a great Numero Uno granddaughter of the very successful KHW Regiment Apple-Red EX-96, the Reserve Grand Champion Red Holstein in Madison 2013 and winner of the title Red Impact Cow of the Year 2013 in Holstein International. Amazing her dam is Scientific Destry RC daughter Ms Apples Aria RC EX-92 EX-94 MS, the Junior Champion Iowa State Holstein Show 2011 and 8th generation Excellent in a row.
Out of Amazing RC, carrying the Red gene, FEMbryos are available now by Riverdown Unstopable-Red, with +3.20 gPTAT and +17 Conformation one of the highest available Red Holstein type sires globally. Fantastic, unstoppable opportunities!