Awesome Corvette dtr of Apple-Red EX-96


Ms Apple Argela RC is an awesome Sonnek GC Corvette daughter straight from KHW Regiment Apple-Red EX-96. Argela RC is a maternal sister of renown sires as Big Apple-Red, Absolute-Red & Armani RC and also of Ms Candy Apple-Red EX-94, the Reserve Grand Champion Red Holstein at the Royal Winter Fair 2013. Corvette, out of Sonnek Damion Charlie EX-94, is with +2.82 gPTAT one of the highest Gold Chip sons for type globally.

Beemer FEMbryos out of Argela RC will bring an exclusive heifercalf with tremendous show potential from the great EX-96 Apple-Red family in your barn. Unique opportunity, place your bid now!


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