Always wanted an Excellent Durham in your barn?


Regancrest Elton Durham is supplier of high producing, healthy and most of all beautiful daughters. World renown Durham daughters are eg. Altitude EX-95, Lila Z EX-94, Atlee EX-92, Barbie EX-92, Daisy EX-92 and not to mention Sheeknoll Durham Arrow EX-96, the Grand Champion WDE 2016. In the US Durham is the sire with the most Excellent daughters all time and for 5 consecutive years (2003 – 2007) he was Premier Sire at the World Dairy Expo.

Aurora Rama Ava RC EX-90, the Senior Champion at the Ohio Junior Holstein Show 2016, is a great Red Carrier Destry granddaughter of RC-LC Goldwyn ATM EX-92. Out of Ava Durham FEMbryos are available now: thé unique opportunity to get a fancy Durham daughter in your barn now!

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