Awesome-Red FEMbryos!
Luck-E Awesome-Red, the Absolute-Red son out of Luck-E Advent Asia RC EX-94, is with +3.19 gPTAT one of the highest Red Holstein sires for type worldwide. Awesome-Red transmits fancy frames and with his tremendous udderscore of +3.33 UDC he will be the sire of many show winners in the future!
Savage-Leigh Rc Lena RC VG-86 is an early, calved Mr Apples Armani RC daughter of Savage-Leigh Leona EX-96, the impressive Canyon-Breeze Allen daughter (with EX-96 MS) and multiple Supreme and Grand Champion of the Maryland State Fair.
Awesome-Red FEMbryos out of Lena RC are available now, thé chance to get an exclusive, Red show heifer! Showtype!