Tarrino FEMbryos out of the Missy EX-92 family


Sandy-Valley Uno Paxton VG-87 is a high producing Numero Uno daughter with great mammary system from the Wesswood-HC Rudy Missy EX-92 family. Paxton, the 6th generation bull dam in a row, has high scores for udderhealth and fertility and has already 5 sons in AI, among which Peak AltaPainter (s. Davinci) and Tango Paisley. The Missy family is graduating top daughter proven sires all the time, including Supersire, Headliner, Mogul, Balisto & AltaOak!

Are you looking for an exclusive heifer calf with high genomics from the successful Missy EX-92 family? Don’t miss the Welcome Tarrino FEMbryos out of Paxton her fancy Jedi daughter A-L-H Prophet! Place your bid now!

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