Jordy-Red FEMbryos from Apple-Red EX-96 daughter


Ms Apples Aria RC EX-92 (EX-94 MS) is a very fancy Scientific Destry RC daughter from the marvelous KHW Regiment Apple-Red EX-96, theĀ Grand Champion Red Holstein in Madison 2011 and winner of the title Red Impact Cow of the Year 2013 in Holstein International.

Out of Aria RC, the Junior Champion at the Iowa State Holstein Show 2011 and 8th generation EX in a row, FEMbryos are available now by Cycle McGucci Jordy-Red, with +3.62 gPTAT the highest available Red Holstein type sire. Unique opportunity to get an exclusive Red show heifer with Apple-Red EX-96 on both sides of the pedigree. Check the offer now and place your bid!

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