Unique Gatedancer embryos


S-S-I PT Milson 6481 is with 2600 gTPI one of the highest daughters of Bacon-Hill Milson (s. Mogul), the full brother of Montross. Her dam S-S-I Uno Damica VG-87, the 9th generation VG or EX in a row, is the number 5 gTPI Numero Uno worldwide and multiple bulldam. Also Damica her dam S-S-I Robust Design VG-87 has several sons in AI, including S-S-I Uno Design Duval, the full brother of Damica.

Embryos out of Milson 6481 by Gatedancer, a 1stClass son form the Glenridge Citation Roxy EX-97 family, have a PA >2650 gTPI. Popular cow family, generation after generation bulldams, tremendous genomic potential, be quick!



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